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12 decembrie 2024

Open Letter to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

Israeli-Palestinian Reconciliation on the basis of „Mutual Recognition”

Honorable President Mahmoud Abbas, today, we are witnessing a historic geopolitical earthquake in the Middle – East, in which Peace Agreements have been reached with Israel, by four more Arab countries: UAE, Bahrein, Morocco and Sudan,  in addition to the previous two: Egypt and Jordan.

My name is Prof. Ada Aharoni, I am a writer and a Sociology researcher in the field of Conflict Resolution.  I am also the Founding President of :IFLAC: The Israeli and International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace.We at IFLAC, were delighted when recently you , Honorable Palestinian President, met twice with the Israeli Defense Minister, Benny Gantz, the first time in your Office at the Mukata, the second time in Gantz’s private home, in Israel. Due to the new promising times, we suggest to you Honorable President Abu Mazen, to be the seventh Arab Leader to board the new Peace Train in the Middle East, and to reach  a Peace Agreement with your neighbor, Israel, on the basis of “Mutual Recognition.”


“Mutual Recognition”means that each side, the Israeli and the Palestinian, should recognize the highest national need of the other side. It entails, on the one hand: Palestinians should recognize Israel as a legitimate State, elected by the vast majority  of the United Nations Assembly in November 1947,  and recognize Israel’s right to live in peace. And on the other hand, Israel should recognize that the Palestinians should have a  free and peaceful State of their own, by the side of their neighbor Israel. 

What makes a State strong and prosperous, in modern times, is not the scope of its land, but its advanced technological knowledge. If a Peace Agreement is reached between Israel and the Palestinians, Israel would help the new Palestinian State to reach the advanced technical know-how that would enable them to improve their life conditions and standards. We at Iflac, strongly recommend to you honorable President, to take part  in this new shaping of the Middle East, enabling the Palestinian people to live a better and safer life.

With best Peace wishes,   Prof. Ada Aharoni, IFLAC President      Email: ada.aharoni06@gmail.com

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About Berzintu Lucretia

Jurnalistă, membră în Asociația Jurnaliștilor Români de Pretutindeni, Canada, membră în Uniunea Ziariștilor Profesioniști, România - pentru Diaspora, activistă pentru pace, autoare a trei cărți jurnalistice, cu interviuri: ”Cetățeni ai spiritului universal”, editura Anamarol, București, 2010, ”Interviuri pe trei continente”, Ed. Saga, Israel, 2017 și ,,O lume, o carte”, Ed. Saga, Israel, 2022