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14 ianuarie 2025


Dear Prime Minister Yair Lapid,

I congratulate you for being the first Prime Minister – in five years – to talk, by phone, with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. May it be the first step toward the renewal of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks, on the occasion of the crucial visit of the US President Joe Biden, in our region. My name is Prof. Ada Aharoni, I am a Conflict Resolution Sociologist, Author, and President of IFLAC World. We sent an „Open Reconciliation Letter” to President Mahmoud Abbas, recommending that he be the Seventh Passenger on the new „Peace Train” speeding in the Middle East. However, the “Abraham Accords” are not enough, and we suggest  to base the new Peace Talks on „Mutual Recognition of the greatest National Need of  each other.”

 MR – „Mutual Recognition” comprises: on the one hand, that the Palestinians should at long last recognize Israel as a Legitimate State – elected by the vast majority of the UN General Assembly, on 29th Nov. 1947- and they should recognize that Israel has the full right to live in Peace. On the other hand, Israel must recognize the supreme national need of the Palestinians: The establishment of an independent  Palestinian State, flourishing peacefully by the side of its neighbor Israel. As you recall, when Pres. Sadat arrived in Israel, he had two conditions: 1. The return of Sinai, 2. An independent State for the Palestinians, and Prime Minister Menahem Begin promised him both conditions. Now, Prime Minister Lapid, is the right time and occasion for you to keep that promise.

We congratulate you too, PM Lapid, for your bright plan to establish a secutity NATO of the Middle East, with the six Arab countries who have Peace Agreements with Israel, and hopefully, including the Palestinans  and other countries. We have the impression that Pres. Abbas will tend to accept our proposed “Reconciliation Plan of Mutual Recognition,” that will at long last enable him  to establish a free Palestinian State, and we hope that you too dear Prime Minister Lapid, will warmly embrace it. A great leader is one who knows how to take advantage of the desired time for fateful moves. Now, with  the helpful presence and backing of Pres. Joe Biden and with the promising MR plan, it is an excellent occasion to end the long bloody conflict with our Palestinian neighbors. We believe, dear Prime Minister Lapid, that if you take this Peaceful revolutionary step, you will be considered a hero not only in Israel, but also a Peace Hero throughout the world.

Shalom, Salaam, May it be!

Prof. Ada Aharoni

IFAC WORLD President –  www.iflacworld.org       www.adaheb.wordpress.com

Tel.  972- 544404750          ada.aharoni06@gmail.org

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About Berzintu Lucretia

Jurnalistă, membră în Asociația Jurnaliștilor Români de Pretutindeni, Canada, membră în Uniunea Ziariștilor Profesioniști, România - pentru Diaspora, activistă pentru pace, autoare a trei cărți jurnalistice, cu interviuri: ”Cetățeni ai spiritului universal”, editura Anamarol, București, 2010, ”Interviuri pe trei continente”, Ed. Saga, Israel, 2017 și ,,O lume, o carte”, Ed. Saga, Israel, 2022